Saturday , July 27 2024
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Special Issues Asthma

Occupational Asthma

Occupational asthma is asthma caused by or worsened by exposure to substances in the workplace. Many substances in the workplace can cause occupational asthma. The most common triggers are wood dust, grain dust, animal dander, fungi and certain chemicals. The true frequency of occupational asthma is not known as many cases …

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Asthma And Eczema – Prevention

Asthma and Eczema Childhood eczema (allergic dermatitis) is associated with other allergic diseases such as hay fever, food allergies, and asthma. Eczema may be the first sign of allergies in a child. Half of children with asthma also have eczema. Eczema does not cause asthma or other allergic diseases.. How …

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