Saturday , July 27 2024
Utama > Asthma > Prevention


How Can I Control My Asthma? Children

Asthma is a long-term disease that has no cure. Today, more children are treated for asthma than ever before. The goal of asthma treatment is to achieve good control, and maintain normal activity levels. Good asthma control will: Prevent chronic and troublesome symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath …

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Air pollution-Is it dangerous for asthmatic patient?

What is indoor and outdoor air pollution? Air pollution occurs when the air contain chemical, particle, gaseous or any contaminant in harmful amounts to the living organism (human, animal and plant) There is two (2) type of air pollution which differs in source of pollutant which is: Indoor air pollution …

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Asthma and Smoking: How To Prevent

What Is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes episodes of difficulty in breathing. Asthma symptoms are caused primarily by chronic inflammation of the airways. This makes the airways of the patient with asthma highly sensitive to various trigger factors. When the airways inflammation is triggered by any …

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Introduction Vaccination is the administration of material (a vaccine) capable to stimulate an immune response against a specific antigen thereby making the individual immune to it and protected from the disease. Therefore, vaccines can prevent morbidity and mortality from an infection. Asthma is among the most common respiratory conditions in …

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How Can I Control My Asthma? – In Adult

What Is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes episodes of difficulty in breathing. Asthma symptoms are caused primarily by chronic inflammation of the airways. This makes the airways of the patient with asthma highly sensitive to various trigger factors. When the airways inflammation is triggered by any …

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Drug Additives

Introduction Additional ingredients in drugs or drug additives are chemical compounds that are present in drugs and food products (Pestana, Moreira & College aims, 2010). According to the Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, additives are “compounds such as vitamin or preservatives which added to other ingredients to improve the external, improve …

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Asthma And Exercise / Sport – Prevention And Tips

Asthma and exercise Like it sounds, exercise-induced asthma is asthma that is triggered by vigorous or prolonged exercise or physical exertion. Most people with chronic asthma experience symptoms of asthma during exercise. However, there are many people without chronic asthma who develop symptoms only during exercise. Treatment Physical exercise and daily recreation are very …

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