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Asthma and Emotional Stress



Asthma is a chronic, life-threatening disease. Asthma disease is caused by a narrow respiratory tract and causes difficulty in breathing.

Asthma disease although cannot be cured but can be treated with the use of medicines either in oral or inhalation form.

An asthma sufferer is different from each other. Among the causes of asthma are dust, pollen, animal hair, weather changes, nutrition, smoking, emotional pressure and certain drug use.

Common signs or symptoms of asthma are coughing at night, breathing sounds, chest tightnessand difficulty to breathe.

Asthma disease requires good control. If your asthma severity levels increase, you need to see your doctor immediately.

You should consult your doctor if:

  • You are experiencing difficulties to breathe when doing light exercises
  • Need to inhale reliever medications more than usual
  • Stay awake more often than usual due to asthma attacks
  • Breathing is getting worse despite taking preventative medications

Asthma is common in children and adults. Is it related to “emotional stress” which might be a trigger for this symptom?

Until now, it is still difficult to understand the actual cause of asthma symptoms. Although most of the assumptions are more geared towards hereditary factors. However, in general, known asthma triggers are as follow:

  • Causes of allergen such as pollen and pets.
  • Infection of a virus such as
  • Chemicals such as paint, cigarette smoke and so on.
  • Sudden temperature changes such as extreme cold.
  • Dusty
  • Emotional stress such as stress, excitement or extreme anxiety.
  • Food and food preservatives.

Influence of Emotional Stress on Asthma

Unstable emotional states can contribute to asthmatic symptoms. Emotional stress or extreme excitement can change the normal respiratory function and put extra pressure on the respiratory system of the asthmatic patients.

In addition, emotional stress also affects the normal thinking. Exceptional stress on the respiratory system contributes to asthmatic symptoms in which breathing becomes more difficult and normal thinking ability weakened due to the lack of oxygen supplied to the brain.

Emotional stress usually occurs due to environmental factors such as office conditions, homes and personal factors such as discomfort and depression due to personal problems, households, careers, family problems and so on.

Therefore, it is undeniable that having emotional stability and ability to overcome emotional stress can help lower the stress on the brain and ultimately help to optimise the asthmatic control. People with asthma are advised to avoid going through the phases of sudden change whether physically or mentally. This is important because if not being handled properly, it will have a short-term effect as well as a long-term effect on the patient’s asthmatic control.

Healthy lifestyle practices that include good nutrition and exercise also can help an individual dealing with emotional stress. It should be ensured that it is more organized and cautious because of any extreme practices such as exercise in an overactive state is not advisable due to asthma sufferers have more sensitive airway than normal persons.

In conclusion, let us deal with emotional stress properly because the benefits are huge not only for asthma sufferers, but also for every one of us to enjoy a healthy life with physical, mental and spiritual well being.


Last Reviewed : 12 September 2017
Translator : Pn. Wan Ermiyati bt. Wan Mohamad
Accreditor : Dr. Ho Bee Kiau